
Successive Presidents

Dr. Mineo NAKAJIMA, First President


Profile (1936 – 2013)

1936Born in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture
1960B.A., China Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
1965M.A., International Relations, The University of Tokyo
1977Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
1980Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Tokyo
1995 – 2001President of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
1998 – 2001Vice President of The Japan Association of National Universities
1998 – 2006First Secretary General of the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)
2000 – 2006President of Inter-University Seminar House
2001 – 2007Member of the Central Council for Educaiton, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Chairperson of the Graduate School Section and General Manager of Foreign Languages Section)
2004 – 2013President (Chair of the Board), Akita International University
2006 – 2008Member of Cabinet Education Rebuilding Council
2008 – 2013President of Talent Education Research Institute
Visiting professor, successively at The Australian National University, Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), and The University of California, San Diego.


  • Gendai Chuugokuron (On Contemporary China: Ideology and Politics, Aoki Shoten, 1964)
  • Pekin Retsu Retsu (Beijing in Flux, Chikuma Shobo, 1981)
  • Kokusai Kankei Ron (International Relations, Chuko Shinsho, 1992)
  • 21-seiki no Daigaku (Universities in the 21st Century, Ronsosha, 2004)
  • Zenkyu Kyoiku Ron (On Global Education, Nishimura Shoten, 2010)
  • Naze Kokusaikyoyodaigaku de Jinzai wa Sodatsuno ka (How are global individuals cultivated at AIU?, Shodensha, 2010)
  • Sekai ni Tsuyosuru Kodomo no Sodatekata (How to Educate World-class Children, FOREST Publishing, 2011)
  • Nihonjin no kyoyo (Cultural Literacy of the Japanese, Asahi Shimbun Publications, 2011)
  • Gakureki Kakumei (Revolution of the University Brand, KK Bestsellers, 2012)
    among others.

Honors and Awards

  • The Suntory Academic Prize for Pekin Retsu Retsu (Beijing in Flux, Chikuma Shobo, 1981)
  • The 19th Seiron Grand Prize of Fuji & Sankei Group
  • The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star
  • Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank), Japan Court Rank
  • Akita-Ken Bunkakorosha (Cultural Contributor of Akita Prefecture)
  • AIU Library was renamed “Nakajima Library” in 2014, in memory of his great contribution to the university’s foundation and progress.

Dr. Norihiko Suzuki, Second President

Norihiko SUZUKI, DBA


1945Born in Kuroiso Machi, Nasu Gun (Currently Nasu Shiobara City), Tochigi Prefecture
1968B.A., Economics, Hitotsubashi University
1972M.A., Economics, Hitotsubashi University
1978D.B.A., Indiana University
1978 – 1982Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, Washington State University
1982 – 1986Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1986 – 1990Associate Professor, International Christian University
1990 – 2012Professor, International Christian University
1991 – 1992Visiting Professor, University of Washington
2000 – 2004Vice-President for Academic Affairs, International Christian University
2004 – 2012President, International Christian University
2010 – 2012President, The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia
2012 – 2013Senior Managing Director, Japan University Accreditation Association
2013 – May, 2021President (Chair of the Board), Akita International University
Other prominent posts include member of the University Education Section of the Central Council for Education


  • Takokuseki Kigyou Keieiron (Management of Multinational Enterprises, Dobunkan, 1988)
  • Winner of the 1988 Management Science Literature Award, Kokusai Marketing (International Marketing, Dobunkan, 1989)
  • Kigyousenryaku to Kokusaikankeiron (Corporate Strategy and International Relations, Yuhikaku, 1995)
  • Takokuseki Kigyou to Kokusai Kankei no Tougou Riron (The Multinational Business and International Relations -Toward the Integrated Theory Building-, Kokusai Shoin, 1997)
  • Kokusai Keiei Seijigaku (The Global Corporate Politics, Bunshindo, 2000)
  • Global Kyoikuzai Ido Riron (Global Transfer Theory of Education Products, Bunshindo, 2014)
  • Journal of International Business Studies
  • Academy of Management Journal
  • International Management Review
  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Management
  • The Columbia Journal of World Business
    among others.